Kingfisher Backcountry Charters

Kingfisher Backcountry Charters


Backcountry Fish pictures

   This photo album is dedicated to the rest of the fish that are available here in the Lower Florida Keys Backcountry. Jacks, Sharks, Barracudas, and  Mangrove Snappers are probably the most abundant while other species found here in the backcountry are Sea Trout, Redfish, and Snook. The Sea Trout and Mangrove Snapper are probably the most common table fair in the Lower Keys Backcountry area. Our Sea Trout fishery here in the Lower Keys Backcountry is normally limited to the winter season. Along with the winter season, Barracuda fishing the flats is at its best! Redfish and Snook require a lot of patience because they are challenging to find and catch unless you have the right bait and are in the right spot at the right time.  It can be done, fun and very rewarding!

   Lemon Sharks, Blacktip Sharks, Barracudas, Jacks, Mangrove Snappers, provide the most action down here in the Backcountry of the Lower Florida Keys. Not to mention, great fun for the kids!

Enjoy the photos there will be more to come!